Whether you are preparing a picnic, a night out or just want to have an intimate dinner date with your sweetheart, it is important to know the right types of dates to bring along for that special occasion. For instance, when going out to a nice dinner with a date, having a rich and creamy texture is always appreciated. There is nothing like a properly preserved date; one that has been nicely chilled on a rack in the refrigerator to bring out that sense of texture and flavor. It is best to avoid raw dates as they lack the enzymes necessary for a smooth texture, however, there are other types that are easy to use. These include:
Smooth-Seed: Smooth-Seed dates, such as jamazade and Ajwa, have a rich sweet taste, but not so rich that they are heavy. Instead, the texture is more firm and long-lasting like that of an apricot. These dates are great for using in recipes, as they make an amazing sweet treat. They can be used instead of oranges in cakes and ice cream. These dates also have the ability to retain and hold onto their shape, which can help with making any kind of dish stay moist for a longer period of time.
Medium-Sized: One of the best qualities of these dates is the fact that they can maintain their shape and are quite manageable. You do not need to use as much water as you would for a thicker sweet. These are perfect for making dry-roasted nuts, pita sandwiches, fruit kabobs and a few other moist dishes. They are often mixed with walnuts or almonds to give them a sweeter taste, but be sure not to overdo it-the less sweetness, the better.
Medjool Dates: This type of date has a very slight sweetness without being too sweet. These dates are available in two colors, green and purple. These are ideal for using in a dessert. When mixed with cranberries or strawberries, they create a light-colored cocktail.
Barhi: These dates come in a number of different colors. The most common color found in this variety is green, although there are some brown grains as well. The seeds of this date seem to have a coarse texture, but the taste is mild and it has a similar amount of sweetness as other dates. These are the easiest of all dates to prepare. It is important to remember to always use at least a quarter cup of water when using this one.
Dark Brown Color: These dates vary in color depending on where they are grown, but the most common ones are black and brown. There is a distinct difference between the black and the dark brown color. The black color of these dates has been known to have high levels of iron in them. This could cause an issue if you have anemia or have an iron sensitive skin. Therefore, consider using this if you suffer from these problems.
Soft Dates: These are the cheapest of all dates, but have the biggest amount of nutrients. When ripened, these dates have a very slight brown color but they are still sweeter than all of the other dates. Therefore, if you want to have a delicious snack or you want to make a dessert that is both delicious and nutritious, try out using the soft dates. If you feel that the texture of these dates does not agree with you, then feel free to use the other types. However, be sure that the ones that you do use are 100% natural sugar free products.
Arabic Style Flavored: Arabic style dates are popular in Middle Eastern cuisine. These are known to have a slightly sweet taste. The texture is that of a thick mush and it has a slight bitter taste as well. It has a unique combination of sweet, rich and dry. It can be used as an alternative to dates in desserts, such as ice cream or ice water, and can also be enjoyed in the fruit version as a snack or in any dessert that calls for yogurt, such as cheese cakes. If you want something that has a unique flavor that is not available in the grocery stores, then try making these at home.